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Alive! Animation course in Blender. Learn Blender animation from beginner to advanced level with the Alive! Animation course in Blender. Over 180 videos and 32 hours of lessons covering the fundamentals, tools, and techniques for creating captivating animations. Pay once and receive free updates. Refund available within 7 days. Enroll now!
425 ratings
- Presentation video :
- Teaser N°4 :
- Teaser N°3 :
- Teaser N°2 :
- Teaser N°1 :
Course description
Alive! Is the most extensive Blender animation course delivered to this date. It will take you from the actual fundamentals of motion in Blender to top of the line, advanced level character action animation.
Presentation video :
Course requirements :
This course is for wonderful animation beginners to advanced animators. You don’t need to know how to animate in Blender yet you do need some experience with the software to be comfortable with its UI, base tools and navigation.
What’s included in the course:
More than 180 videos
Over 32 hours of lessons and exercises
All blender files per lesson
A ball rig
A Low poly squirrel rig
A Battle mech robot rig
A super hero “Trident” character rig
What you will learn:
Getting admittance to educational animation content is generaly very expensive and often hard to tell where to begin. That is the reason I’ve designed this course to provide you with every one of the fundamentals of animation and show you the stunts and techniques you’ll need to make everything from a charming character short to kickass action animations. We will cover all of this using Blender, the free and open source software, however you will actually want to transfer this multitude of techniques to any other software or animation medium. There is something in this course for everyone from complete animation beginners to more experienced animators.
Blender animation tools and workflow
From your first keyframe to top to bottom animation tool understanding. (dopesheet, action editor, NLA, graph editor… )
Animating simple object
Understanding 3D space
Animating a rigged object with numerous bouncing ball exercice
Animating a rigged character
Full pipeline to make a short animation, bit by bit
Using the camera
Introduction to advanced animation techniques
Animating a robot with the layered approach
Introduction to space switching
Human locomotion
Advanced bit by bit run cycle
Advanced bit by bit walk cycle
The specialty of posing
Reference studies
Body mechanics
Pushing the pose
Advanced action animation, 4 hit combos, full process.
Reference studies
Blocking in addition to
Character intro Animation (accessible 2022-03-04)
Camera Work
Full blocking
Environment and composition
Advanced polishing techniques
What the artists say
Daniel Zettl – Senior animator at Moon Studio
“In this very good quality animation course Pierrick shows you how to create approach by-approach genuineness through understanding force and posing. A stellar Blender-workflow with hotkeys, editors and tools will make you comfy in Blender and push beginners as well as veterans to 110% specialty wise. A breathtaking one-stop-shop for each power animator.”
Richard Lico – Animation director at Polyarc
“Pierrick does such an incredible job explaining animation, and particularly space switching! His lucidity of explanation is unrivaled. Things like the difference between local and world space is completely clear. His visuals are also clean and incredibly straightforward. The later courses go into basic profundity on a significant part of the animation process where he manages to maintain his clearness regardless of the complexity of the topic. I can’t recommend his course enough! In the event that you’re a blender animator, there’s plenty for you here!”
Zacharias Reinhardt – Founder and lead instructor at CGBoost
“This is one of the best Blender courses I have observed so far – period. Both, the manner in which Pierrick is conveying the info, and how he presents it in nicely altered videos, is simply wonderful to understand the complex topic of animation. He is starting with the very fundamentals and bit by bit directs us into learning how to make complex character animations. I truly like the extraordinary down to earth models, and that he isn’t only focusing on the technical perspective, yet in addition how to concentrate on reference material and how to cause the animations look and to feel appealing. Pierrick truly knows his specialty, and how to ignore his knowledge to us. If you want to get into animation, this is the only course you will at any point need. This is a genuine magnum opus – enthusiastically recommended!”
Todor Nikolov –
“Pierrick has done it again. Subsequent to creating the definitive manual for Rigging, he’s now handled Animation in Blender like nobody else.”
Fin’ O’Riordan – Blender chemist
“A genuine zero to hero course… Pierrick covers everything from fundamental tools to advanced techniques….”
Petar Markovich – Ubisoft – Senior Ongoing interaction Programmer
“I’ve gotten so many supportive techniques and best practices from Pierrick’s Blender course”
Course evolution:
Pay once and get any further lessons and updates free of charge. New lessons will be added to the course later on.
Refund policy : You have 7 days after your buy to request a refund in the event that you are not happy with the product. The decision will be taken by the author.
Useful Links:
- Blender Animation Course (Bloop Animation)
- Complete Blender Creator: Learn 3D Modelling for Beginners
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