DevOps Bootcamp: Learn Linux & Become a Linux Sysadmin

in , on May 14, 2023

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This comprehensive DevOps Bootcamp will teach you everything you need to know about Linux, from scratch. You’ll get hands-on experience, practice exercises, and the chance to apply Linux in real-world scenarios. You’ll learn key concepts and commands in Linux, network security, ethical hacking, and more. Taught by an industry expert with 15+ years of real-world experience, you’ll get the skills and knowledge to become a confident and effective Linux System Administrator. Enroll today and join thousands of students in our online community classroom.


Course outline

We promise you that this is the most comprehensive and up-to-date DevOps Bootcamp that you can find to learn and dominate Linux, without any preparation.

Indeed, other Linux sysadmin instructional classes and youtube recordings can show you the rudiments. In any case, this course will guarantee you really hold what you’re realizing by allowing you the opportunity to apply Linux in real-world scenarios with quizzes and challenges toward the finish of each section. You will likewise get hands-on experience by configuring a Linux Server without any preparation in the cloud.


 All that you want to turn into a professional Linux Sysadmin and get recruited

 Ace the critical concepts as a whole and commands in Linux beginning without any preparation

 Figure out how to set up the Linux environment (introducing both Ubuntu and CentOS on a virtual machine)

 Construct a total comprehension of Linux operating system (Distribution Independent) as a total fledgling

 For every Linux key concept or command, you’ll likewise get a cheatsheet, test, and practice exercises

 Network Security and Ethical Hacking key concepts (Reconnaissance, Sniffing, Iptables Firewall from there, the sky is the limit)

 Comprehension of Linux File Permissions, Processes, User Account Management, Linux Networking or Software Management

 Capacity to really apply a profound comprehension of Linux on real-world ventures

 Gain a strong foundation of Netfilter/Iptables Linux Firewall (Chains, Tables, Matches, Targets)

Linux controls the web. It’s all over the place. From the littlest to the greatest organizations like Amazon, Microsoft, SpaceX. They’re all utilizing Linux on their backend.

This course isn’t only for those that need to become Linux Sysadmins.

For any software engineers care about extending their range of abilities and realize that sooner or later, they should work with Linux in their vocation.

This course isn’t similar to some other Linux Administration course you can take online.


Since this DevOps Bootcamp and Linux Administration course covers each significant topic, including:

  • Immeasurably significant Linux commands
  • The Linux filesystem
  • File permissions
  • Process management
  • User account management
  • Software management
  • Networking in Linux
  • System administration
  • Bash Scripting
  • Iptables/Netfilter Firewall
  • Linux Security
  • And that’s only the tip of the iceberg…

… In any case, the key distinction is that toward the finish of this course, you will have the real-world practice and abilities to get recruited as a viable Linux System Engineer or Administrator.

Alumni of Zero To Dominance are presently working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, Uber, Facebook, Shopify + other top tech organizations.

They are likewise functioning as top consultants getting compensated while working from a distance all over the planet.

What’s more, they come from all kinds of foundations, ages, and experiences. Many even begun as complete fledglings.

So there’s not a great explanation it can’t be you too.

By enlisting today, you’ll likewise get to join our selective live online community classroom to advance alongside thousands of students, graduated class, mentors, TAs and Instructors.

In particular, you will gain Linux and DevOps from an industry expert that has 15+ long stretches of genuine real-world experience working with Linux as a DevOps Engineer.

Would you like to gain proficiency with another significant expertise, get employed, get a promotion, or basically plan for what’s in store? Indeed, then this course is for you!

This course is educated by me, Andrei a Senior Network Engineer and Professional Coach.

For what reason would it be a good idea for you to gain from me?

I’m a Practitioner and an Enthusiast. Welcome to the real world! I’ve been involving Linux throughout the previous 15 years in real-world activities. I’m not only an irregular person that shows Linux Administration. That is arond 3,600 word long periods of learnings. What’s more, presently I’m sharing these long periods of learnings with you

I’m an Educator and I know how to make a Syllabus. I know precisely very thing is significant and what isn’t. Throughout the previous 10 years, I’ve prepared thousands of individuals on Linux Administration, Security, Networking, and Programming

I understand what organizations are searching for. You won’t simply gain proficiency with a lot of commands and tools yet you’ll figure out how to really involve them for real-world situations and occupations

The numerous topics shrouded in this DevOps and Linux Bootcamp course:

  • Setting up the environment (introducing both Ubuntu and CentOS)
  • The Linux Terminal inside and out
  • The Linux File System
  • Outright versus relative ways. Strolling through the File System (pwd, cd, tree)
  • The LS Command inside and out (ls)
  • Understanding file timestamps: atime, mtime, ctime (detail, touch, date)
  • Seeing files (feline, less, more, tail, head, watch)
  • Making files and directories (touch, mkdir)
  • Duplicating, moving, renaming, and erasing files and directories (cp, mv, rm, shred)
  • Working with pipes in Linux (|, wc)
  • Command redirection (>, >>, 2> &>, cut, tee)
  • Tracking down files and directories (find, find, which)
  • Find and Executive
  • Looking for String Examples (grep, strings)
  • Contrasting files (cmp, diff, sha256)
  • The VIM Editor inside and out
  • Compressing and archiving files and directories (tar, gzip, bzip2)
  • Hard and Emblematic Connections. The Inode Design
  • User accounts management
  • Understanding passwd and shadow files
  • Understanding Linux Groups (groups, id)
  • Making, changing, and eliminating user accounts (useradd, usermod, userdel)
  • Group management (groupadd, groupdel, groupmod)
  • User account monitoring (whoami, who am I, who, id, w, uptime, last)
  • Linux file permissions
  • Octal (Numeric) Notation of file permissions
  • Changing file permissions (chmod)
  • Changing file proprietorship (chown, chgrp)
  • Figuring out SUID (Set User ID), SGID (Set Group ID), and the Tacky Piece
  • Umask
  • Understanding files credits (lsattr, chattr)
  • Linux process management
  • Processes and the Linux security model
  • Posting processes (ps, pstree, top, htop)
  • Signals and killing processes (kill, pkill, killall, pidof)
  • Closer view and foundation processes
  • Work control (occupations, fg, bg)
  • Networking on Linux
  • Getting information and configuring the Network Points of interaction (ip, ifconfig, course)
  • Setting up static IP on Ubuntu (netplan)
  • Testing and investigating network connectivity
  • Utilizing, investigating, and getting SSH (sshd)
  • Replicating files over the network (scp)
  • Synchronizing files and directories utilizing rsync
  • Utilizing wget
  • Checking for listening ports (netstat, ss, lsof, telnet, nmap)
  • Software management
  • DPKG (Debian and Ubuntu Based Distros) and Well-suited
  • DNF (RedHat Based Distros)
  • Accumulating software from source code: Lab ProFTPD
  • Linux system administration
  • Task automation and booking utilizing Cron (crontab) and Anacron
  • Mounting and unmounting file systems (df, mount, umount, fdisk, gparted)
  • Working with gadget files (dd)
  • Getting system equipment information (lwhw, lscpu, lsusb, lspci, dmidecode, hdparm)
  • Administration management (systemd and systemctl)
  • Bash shell scripting
  • Security: Information gathaering and sniffing traffic
  • Security: Netfilter/Iptables firewall
  • Security: SSH PKI and SSH Hardening

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