Pluralsight – Server Component Fundamentals in React 18 (2023)

in on August 1, 2023

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Enhance the quality of your React apps with Server Component Fundamentals in React 18 course by Peter Kellner on Pluralsight. Learn to build efficient and performant UIs using React Server Components and provide a better user experience with async data sources and Next.js Toolchain.”

by Peter Kellner

This course will teach you how React Server Components can work on the quality of your React apps and architecture.


What you’ll learn

Great app design means less bugs, lower maintenance costs, and happier users. In this course, Server Component Fundamentals in React 18, you’ll learn about React Server Components and how you can utilize them to give a superior user experience. In the first place, you’ll jump into the technology behind server components so that utilizing them makes sense. Next, you’ll investigate how to fabricate Server Components that work with async data sources. Finally, you’ll learn how to incorporate Server Components in a real-world app so that your apps give great browser user experiences and are easy to construct. At the point when you’re done with this course, you’ll have all the information and apparatuses necessary to assemble apps with React Server and Client Components that give brilliant and performant UIs to your users.


Table of items

Course Outline


Presenting Server Components


Learning More Server Component Scenarios


Involving Async Data in Server Components


Adding Anticipation Boundaries to Server Components


Next.js Toolchain, Progressive Rendering, and Error Handling


Working with URL Routes and Server Components


Upgrading a React App to Utilize Server Components


Course Takeaways


About the author

Peter Kellner

Peter is an autonomous software consultant, specializing in .NET improvement from 1985 through 2001, as well as a MVP starting around 2006. He was organizer and leader of Tufden Inc, where he effectively conveyed frameworks for facility planning, insurance company management and medical claim handling. His answers included conveying a turnkey medical office management framework to north of 500 clients nationwide. His passion for the PC dates back to elementary school when he joined his first compu… more

See more courses by Peter Kellner

Useful Links:

  1. Pluralsight – Server Component Fundamentals in React 18
  2. React Documentation
  3. Next.js Documentation
  4. React Server Components – Official Announcement
  5. Next.js – Progressive Rendering
  6. React Component Suspense – Error Handling

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